

- Miehsler (Herbert) and Petzold (Herbert), European Convention on Human Rights. Texts and documents / Convention européenne des droits de l’homme. Textes et documents / Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention. Texte und Dokumente, Vol. I and II, Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, Cologne, 1982, separate paginations.

- Matscher (Franz) and Petzold (Herbert) (editors), Protecting human rights : The European dimension. Protection des droits de l’homme : la dimension européenne. Studies in honour of / Mélanges en l’honneur de Gérard J. Wiarda, Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, Cologne, 1988, XX-750 p.

- Weston (Martin), An English reader’s guide to the French legal system, Berg, New York and Oxford, 1991, XI-155 p.

- Bianku (Ledi), Te Drejtat e Njeriut në Europë, Botim i Qendrës Europiane, Tirana, 2001, 271 p.

- Bianku (Ledi), Jurisprudenca e Gjykatës së Strasburgut, Qendra Europiane, Tirana, 2005, 876 p.


- Revue trimestrielle des droits de l’homme (Brussels), correspondent (1989-1998), member of the Advisory Board (since 1998).

- Revue française de droit administratif (Paris), chronicler (1990-1993).

- Slovenska revija za človenko pravice (Ljubljana), member of the Advisory Board (1995-1999).

- Dignitas (Ljubljana), member of the Advisory and Editorial Board (since 1999).

- Přehled rozsudků Evropského soudu pro lidská práva (Prague), member of the Editorial Board (since 1998).

- Prava cheloveka, Praktika Europeiskolo suda po pravam cheloveko (Moscow), member of the Advisory Board (since 2006).

- Encyclopedia of the European Court (Moscow), member of the Advisory Board (since 2018).